Signature Workshop

Mindful Movement, Ergonomics & Posture

Signature Workshop Intro to Mindfulness & Breathing Meditation

This refreshing workshop examines how our bodies respond to stress, from tension holding patterns to repetitive interactions with everyday office objects, furniture and devices.


  • Overview of optimal sitting, standing and working postures

  • To address and prevent common issues and ailments

  • Breath awareness and breathing exercises

  • Office-friendly guided stretching and chair yoga

Many of us regularly impose repetitive, stressful habits on our bodies without even realizing it. We clench our jaw in concentration, strain our neck and hands with computers and smartphones, favor leaning or crossing on one side, compress in our low back while sitting, etc. And then we go about our day resigned to nagging discomfort - sometimes even serious pain! - that is entirely preventable. 

Through body awareness and the application of basic principles and best-practices, we can identify and overcome our individual holding patterns and misalignments.

Foundational Mindfulness Workshops

Intro to Mindfulness
& Breathing Meditation

This workshop introduces mindfulness as an invaluable practice that can be developed, sharpened and mastered over time using breath-based meditation techniques. Following a discussion on mindfulness and its many benefits, attendees will be introduced to simple, approachable techniques and practices that have been researched and well-documented to improve perceptions of and reactions to stress.

At Your Desk

Work From Om®’s most popular workshop, De-Stress At Your Desk is a great introduction to mindfulness, meditation and body awareness as stress-management tools for busy professionals. In addition to learning about and discussing research and best practices, attendees will experience a guided meditation, enjoy some office-friendly stretching, and leave with printable one-sheets for ongoing support.

Mindfulness in
an Age of Distraction

This fascinating workshop challenges attendees to acknowledge negative habits related to technology use and intervene mindfully. By learning to set boundaries on our technology-related habits, we can reclaim ownership of our attention and become happier, healthier, higher-functioning human beings.

Professional Development Seminars

Access Your Resilience: Stability Through Turbulence

Everyone can relate to feeling lost, overwhelmed or defeated when the going gets tough; after all, uncertainty is scary and change is hard. Yet when we stay calm, cool and collected in the face of change and the unknown, we strengthen our positions in both the present and the future. This workshop will guide attendees into a mindset to access their resilience, and provide tools and practices to find stability through turbulent times.

Mindful Management
& Leadership

To be successful, leaders must be thoughtful, compassionate and agile but also decisive, organized and even authoritative at times. This workshop encourages mindful leadership by example, provides strategies for leading with awareness, intention and vision, and explores how to use mindfulness to develop discernment in dealing with organization challenges and interpersonal conflict.

Mindful Listening
& Communication

While we know that communication is a two-way street, most of us place our focus, time and energy on the development of outbound communication skills and leave listening skills unchecked. In this workshop, attendees will learn why listening and receiving information is as important as speaking and expressing, and be introduced to techniques and practices that build listening as a proactive skill that is integral and can be transformative.


& Goal-Setting

Research shows that we are more likely to achieve our goals when we put them on paper, develop and track consistent routines around them, and celebrate progress and even tiny victories along the way. In this workshop, attendees will learn the keys to goal-setting, habit-development and personal accountability and make an approachable, enjoyable and, ultimately, empowering plan to achieve their defined goals.

Authentic Excellence:
Your Highest Self in Action

Offering the mindfulness practices of self-inquiry, self-observance and non attachment as foundations for self-actualization, this workshop empowers attendees to connect with their authenticity and use it as fuel for the journey toward personal contentment and professional success. When we are open and honest about who and how we are, what inspires us and what holds us back, we can shift from a mindset of doubt, rumination and fear to one of confident awareness, choice and accountability.  

Mindfulness for
Time Management

Time management is the art of getting things done in a way that maximizes results while preserving energy. In an age where the demand for our attention increases constantly and exponentially, the time we have in any given day remains the same. This creates a condition in which our work and personal obligations expand to fill all available time and muddling our priorities. This workshop empowers attendees to take ownership of their time and attention, and ultimately get more done with less stress.

Reach out to us today.

Let’s have a conversation about how we can support you and your team.